Student Comments

“Being a part of the Honors Program was a truly rewarding experience. It not only informed me about current educational research, but prepared me to conduct my own and analyze the research of others. In completing my honors thesis, I also had an opportunity that few students have – to conduct my own research with the help of a supportive group of peers and professors. Participating in this program has not only made me a stronger student, but ultimately a better teacher and person.”

-Tara Tully (Winchester, MA teacher, IBM Graduate 2008)


At the 2011 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics national convention, NCTM President Mike Shaughnessy presented Jeffrey Corbishley and Sherryl Hauser (Catherine Little, not pictured) with the Linking Research and Practice Outstanding Publication Award for their article “Constructing Complexity for Differentiated Learning” published in the Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. Dorothy White, NCTM Research Committee Chair and Karen King, Director of Research were also present. Corbishley and Hauser are former (2007) NSOE Honors students.